
List of ATM mentioned below with Bank Name, Bank Type, Address in the Google map, Pincode Details, ATM id, ATM Location, Pincode Details, Bankzone, etc.

Gram Panchayat Name : Potharam&Gollapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Mallial
District : Karimnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Potharam&Gollapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Rampur 572054 709 Hectares 2338 505452
2 Obulapur 572055 1248 Hectares 1585 505452
3 Gorregundam 572056 1061 Hectares 292 505452
4 Maddutla 572057 1150 Hectares 2153 505452
5 Potharam 572058 818 Hectares 3182 505452
6 Rajaram 572059 2129 Hectares 1639 505452
7 Nookapalle 572060 1432 Hectares 4047 505452
8 Mallial 572061 1954 Hectares 11442 505452
9 Manala 572062 1017 Hectares 2158 505452
10 Myadampalle 572063 627 Hectares 2051 505452
11 Thakkallapalle 572064 996 Hectares 4639 505452
12 Thatipalle 572065 1085 Hectares 3569 505452
13 Sarvapur 572066 653 Hectares 1449 505452
14 Muthyampeta 572067 966 Hectares 4808 505452
15 Balwanthapur 572068 842 Hectares 2021 505452