Old Singarayakonda

List of ATM mentioned below with Bank Name, Bank Type, Address in the Google map, Pincode Details, ATM id, ATM Location, Pincode Details, Bankzone, etc.

Gram Panchayat Name : Old Singarayakonda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Singarayakonda
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Old Singarayakonda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kalikivaya 591545 981 Hectares 2340 523101
2 Kanumalla 591546 996 Hectares 2727 523101
3 Sanampudi 591547 1274 Hectares 4264 523101
4 Singarayakonda 591548 1548 Hectares 4924 523101
5 Somarajupalle 591549 2194 Hectares 6291 523101
6 Pakala 591550 2252 Hectares 14467 523101
7 Bingini Palle 591551 1269 Hectares 4226 523101