
List of ATM mentioned below with Bank Name, Bank Type, Address in the Google map, Pincode Details, ATM id, ATM Location, Pincode Details, Bankzone, etc.

Gram Panchayat Name : Gurijepalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Santhamaguluru
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Gurijepalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vellala Cheruvu 590668 1902 Hectares 5485 523102
2 Gopapuram 590669 412 Hectares -
3 Kamepalle 590670 1274 Hectares 2557 523302
4 Santhamaguluru 590671 2691 Hectares 9687 523302
5 Tangedu Malli 590672 2115 Hectares 6604 523302
6 Gurijepalle 590673 619 Hectares 1642 523302
7 Kopparam 590674 2896 Hectares 8740 523302
8 Elchur 590675 2789 Hectares 8915 523303
9 Kunduru (West) 590676 1997 Hectares 3598 523303
10 Kunduru (East) 590677 2091 Hectares 3750 523303
11 Kommala Padu 590678 1961 Hectares 8550 523305