Gorre Padu

List of ATM mentioned below with Bank Name, Bank Type, Address in the Google map, Pincode Details, ATM id, ATM Location, Pincode Details, Bankzone, etc.

Gram Panchayat Name : Gorre Padu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ballikurava
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Gorre Padu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Koppera Palem 590679 796 Hectares 2517 523301
2 Uppumaguluru 590680 2438 Hectares 4479 523301
3 Vemavaram 590681 738 Hectares 1901 523301
4 Konidena 590682 3730 Hectares 9650 523301
5 Ballikurava 590683 955 Hectares 2688 523301
6 Chennupalle 590684 1847 Hectares 2210 523301
7 Sankaralingam Gudipadu 590685 1098 Hectares 2051 523303
8 Mukteswaram 590686 1271 Hectares 3313 523303
9 Guntupalle 590687 1891 Hectares 4680 523301
10 Vaidana 590688 1648 Hectares 3182 523303
11 Kukatla Palle 590689 1022 Hectares 3268 523303
12 Gorre Padu 590690 2136 Hectares 4140 523303
13 Koppera Padu 590691 893 Hectares 3285 523303
14 Valla Palle 590692 1198 Hectares 5905 523301