
Jainoor block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block Name : Jainoor
Block Code : 16
District : Adilabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Adilabad District

Nearest Village to Jainoor

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ashapalle 569540 Jainoor 1193 Hectares 1783 504313
2 Jendaguda 569541 Jainoor 1255 Hectares 1341 504313
3 Patnapur 569542 Jainoor 1098 Hectares 2192 504311
4 Gudamamda 569543 Jainoor 2835 Hectares 2847 504311
5 Addesar 569544 Jainoor 1695 Hectares 1099 504313
6 Bhusimatta 569545 Jainoor 1608 Hectares 906 504313
7 Rasimatta 569546 Jainoor 934 Hectares 864 504313
8 Daboli 569547 Jainoor 2337 Hectares 1648 504313
9 Lendiguda 569548 Jainoor 1090 Hectares 1838 504313
10 Ushegaon 569549 Jainoor 1793 Hectares 2649 504313
11 Jamgaom 569550 Jainoor 2456 Hectares 2398 504313
12 Shivanur 569551 Jainoor 951 Hectares 1140 504313
13 Marlawai 569552 Jainoor 933 Hectares 887 504313
14 Dubbaguda 569553 Jainoor 573 Hectares 525 504313
15 Powerguda 569554 Jainoor 423 Hectares 755 504313
16 Jamni 569555 Jainoor 571 Hectares 1217 504313
17 Polasa 569556 Jainoor 464 Hectares 1022 504313